Senior konsulent til Ebiquity (København) Vil du være betroet rådgiver for nogle af de største annoncører i Norden, og har du mediebureaubaggrund, så er dette måske det perfekte job for dig. Med udgangspunkt i Ebiquitys markedsledende og anerkendte metoder og...
Publishing Sales Director Join us and help publishers thrive in a post-cookie world! Our company, the role and the team The future of digital marketing is cookie-less. It is ID free. It is privacy-first. And Digiseg is already there. Our goal is to help as many...
Office Manager / PA The future of digital marketing is cookie-less. It is ID free. It is privacy-first, and Digiseg is already there. Our goal is to help as many advertisers as possible discover the power of tracking-free data and get them to the future sooner....